Friends Of Northlands (FON)

Friends of Northlands (FoN)

This is a group that represents everyone with an interest in Northlands Primary School including pupils, parents, carers, teachers, staff and the local community.


The FoN Committee is a team of parents and staff who organise fundraising activities for Northlands and help to decide how the money is spent. The Committee also acts as an informal link between parents and the school.


Everyone is welcome to come along to our regular meetings, and we are always looking for people to help at events and to share their ideas with us.  If you require a copy of the meeting minutes then please contact Friends of Northlands on the below email address.


Who’s Who?

  • Chairperson: Position Vacant
  • Community Liaison: Rachel Twyman
  • Treasurer: Adele Eatenton
  • Press Officer: Maxine James
  • Secretary: Jenny Ball
  • Meeting Minutes: Jenny Ball
  • Membership Co-ordinator: Position Vacant
  • Summer Fair External Stalls Co-ordinator:  Jo Millar
  • Committee: Josephine Millar, Jo Foote, Andrea Sloan, Helen Bain, Jenny Ball, Maxine James, Maggie Parker, Emma Saunders, Dawn Williams, Rachael Twyman.
  • Members: Around 13 active members, new members as well as helpers at events are always welcome and all help gratefully received.


Contact Details:

To contact Friends of Northlands, or be added to our emailing list, email 

FoN Gardening club:  Summer 2021. 


FoN have been helping to improve the school grounds. Recently this has involved the planting of saplings in the forest school area. The saplings, donated by the Forestry Trust, have added a much needed natural screen to make the forest area even more of a magical place to learn!