
COVID-19 and safeguarding:

The Designated Safeguarding Leaders are:

  • Mr Julian Davoile – Headteacher
  • Mrs Carribine-Pastoral Lead
  • Mrs Wormington – Assistant Headteacher
  • Mrs Fry-Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator
  • Mrs Hayley Smith – Online Safety Leader


A DSL will be on the school site every school day during the lockdown with another DSL off-site acting in a supporting and deputy function. The Remote Education Offer makes details of how safeguarding will differ during lockdown clear.

To continue to full-fill our safeguarding duties, we will: 

-Ensure DSLs can be contacted daily during term times if a parent has a concern about a child.

-Ensure the Headteacher can be contacted daily during term times if a parent has a concern about a member of staff. 

-Conduct ‘safe and well’ telephone calls to chat with families, offer help and find out how home learning is going.

-Ensure contact is maintained with families - through TEAMs - and to chase up non-engagement to ensure children are safe. 

-Act upon any safeguarding concerns we are made aware of by children, staff or parents in a timely manner. 


Parents can also make their own referrals to if they have concerns that a child is suffering any form of abuse, neglect or cruelty by contacting the Warwickshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) immediately by calling 01926 414144. Lines are open Monday to Thursday 8am - 5.30pm, Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm.