Northlands Primary School
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website: it is my pleasure to welcome you to our fabulous school!
At Northlands, we value and invest in the vibrant and diverse community that we serve and we take time to celebrate the range of different cultures we represent. Indeed we believe learning is at its best when pupils and families feel well supported. Our school ethos really encapsulates everything we do:
One community-many cultures-achieving together.
Our staff are friendly, welcoming and committed to ensuring that each and every child achieves well academically and thrives socially. As a one form entry school, we are in the fortunate position of being able to get to know all of our children well as they journey through the school and we strive to ensure that their individual needs are well catered for.
As a school, our vision is to be the best primary school we can be where children are educated to the highest standard and taught the skills to become resilient using growth mindset to triumph against adversity. We teach children to be respectful to themselves and others so that children, staff, parents and the local community take pride in our school. We seek to be outward looking, responding to changes that impact us in a timely fashion and inviting various stakeholders into the school to support our never-ending road to improvement.
We look forward to being part of your child’s development and invite you to arrange a visit to experience the school for yourself.
Mr Davoile