Year 1

In our English lessons we have been retelling the story of The Gingerbread Man. See if your child can remember the story.

Celebrating Success!


Year 1 have won the reading heroes award two weeks in a row, ahead of the rest of the school.


Carry on supporting your children to read at home. 

Blow the snow

We are very proud of how our children have settled in and already achieved so much in a few weeks. 

Well done Year 1

Design Technology


Our topic this term has been Seaside snacks.

We made fruit sculptures, jam pinwheels and fishcakes. We learnt about balanced diets and designed healthy picnics.



In English Year 1 have been reading Peace at Last by Jill Murphey.


The children are able to retell the story orally. 

Link to Peace at Last -

Music Appreciation


In music appreciation we listened to Compline music and the children commented how it made them feel and what they thought of it. -



In computing we are using Purple Mash to learn how to code.

Art Day


During art day year 1 looked at the work of Eric Carle, who was the creator of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. The year 1 children created their own versions of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' as well as exploring different lines and media. Here are some of the fantastic examples.

The year 1 children were then challenged to create their own insect art piece inspired by Eric Carle and 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', here are some of our amazing examples.

The Great Fire of London

Happy  New Year!

Here are some examples of our super Spring learning. 


Our theme is Homes from past and present and we are studying the Great Fire of London.

Here are some questions to discuss with your child.


Have you ever been to London? What famous places are there?

Can you describe your home? What is it made of?




In Maths Year 1 have been exploring part-part whole models and looking into how one number can be split into 2 smaller numbers using cubes. Year 1 have also been looking at more than and less than numbers using a number line.


In English, Year 1 have been looking at the story of the Gingerbread Man. They have then been adapting the story by adding their own characters into the story. Here is an example the class did together on the board.



In Science we have been using our skills of observation and recording. We recorded the weather three times a day for a week. Here is an example of our findings.



After we had recorded the weather we watched a weather forecast video from the BBC.

We used a map of the United Kingdom and using the data we had found we presented it in the form of a weather report.


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Year 1 will be singing "Silent Night" and  "We wish you a Merry Christmas " during the Christmas concert. Please practice at home.

Silent Night Kid's Version w Lyrics

Uploaded by donmic84 on 2019-11-07.




We were excited to have the firefighters visit us to talk about fire safety. 

"Don't touch matches" LP

"Don't touch the cooker" MT

"Don't touch candles" VJ



We looked at what the firefighters wear and talked about what a firefighters job involves.

We now have many aspiring firefighters in Year 1.



Seasonal Change

Our Topic in Science this term is Seasonal Change.


We have been learning about how trees change throughout the seasons. 

We went outside onto the bank to observe the trees in our playground.

We noticed that many leaves had fallen down. We had to collect three leaves each that were different. 

We then brought them into to the classroom and compared them. It was fascinating to see how many different leaves we had collected. 

We classified them by colour, then size.

"My leaf is spikey" MD

" My leaf is long and green" MT

"My leaf is multi-coloured" HA


Traction man

Today we have been learning about story settings. We worked with a partner to write down all the things we could see in the picture. We realised that this part of the story was set in the kitchen.

We went on to write sentences about the setting.

Look at our amazing learning!

The Gingerbread Man


In English we have been reading the story of the Gingerbread man.

We learnt how to retell the story like Pie Corbet.

Next we wrote a recount of the story.

We moved on to improvising the story, changing the characters and actions.

We retold our own stories and went on to write them.

We all had so much fun!

Stunning Starts



Year One enjoyed exploring the work of Molly Haslund, a famous Danish artist.





We went onto the playground to recreate circles. We had to use our whole bodies to make the large circles.



Our theme is "Toybox" and in history we have been comparing modern and old toys. We noticed that modern toys are often made of plastic and break easily compared to older toys that were made of wood. 



We played with the toys to see which we prefered.

They were all fun but we had to be very careful with the fragile doll. She has a porcelain face.



We have been learning about the compass points 

North South East and West


We learnt a rhyme to help us remember -


Never Eat Shreddied Wheat

We then drew a compass on the playground with chalk.



In Design Technology we have been learning how to prepare vegetables to make healthy salads. First we designed our salads. Then chopped, diced and grated our vegetables safely. We ate our delicious food then we talked about how we could have made them even better.

Art- Spirals


During Art week year 1 learnt how to draw spirals. We investigated different ways of representing them using a variety of media such as pencils and pastilles.

Finally we made spirals from plasticine and discovered how we could use tools to add texture.

Science- Plants

Year 1 enjoyed exploring the natural world found in our school playgrounds. We used magnifying glasses to observe the details of stems and petals. 

We used rulers to compare the lengths of similar plants.

We drew diagrams and labelled the plants we found.


19th January 2022

We were so excited to have the fire fighters come to school today to teach us about fire safety.

They showed us their uniform and we went into the hall to practise how to crawl on the floor if our home was on fire, to escape the smoke. 

We also learnt how to stop drop and roll.


"I liked doing the actions in the hall." MP

"I liked crawling and rolling." MW

"I liked looking at their uniform." AA


Maths Week 2021

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We're really enjoying taking part in Maths week!

Maths algorithms


Today we learnt a very posh words...algorithm!  We realised that it is a set of instructions to direct a person or robot from one place to another.  We had great fun using an algorithm website to direct the Beebot to different places on the screen.


Story Telling!


We have been using story maps to re-tell the story of The Three Little Pigs.  We rehearsed using story telling language and incorporated some actions into our performances.  Some of us were brave enough to perform in front of the whole class!