Year 5

Here is our research about Jacques Francis. He was a historical character who appears in our book, 'Diver's Daughter' by Patrice Lawrence.

Architectural Artwork from Year 5...

We had a great time with our royal visitor, Henry VIII! We learned a lot more about Tudor history: feasting, crime and punishment, writing with a quill, toys, games and Tudor dancing!

DT - Year 5 have been exploring bridge design....

Some amazing images of Year 5 using the climbing wall we had in school!

Some fabulous home art work by one of our amazing pupils!

A beautiful, sunny day for sports day this year! Year 5 had a great time!

Year 5 enjoyed another successful visit from Ricky Dance...

Year 5 learned about the flowering plant life cycle. We dissected plants and identified their parts.

For Art Day, we created our own original art 'zines', producing colour backgrounds and prints inspired by Berlie Doherty's poem, 'Ghost in the Garden'.

Neil Gaiman's Instructions - looking for links to fairy tales and traditional stories...

Year 5 World Book Day 2024!

Cat Weatherill, story-teller visited our class to tell us about the magic of reading and writing!

Year 5 and Year 3 Book Share - we shared books with younger children...

Year 5 Book Hunt - searching the school for book titles!

Robin Hood - hero or villain? Year 5 prepared and carried out a formal debate on the subject!

DT Week - bread-making part 1. We have been tasting and evaluating different types of bread. We are completing surveys to find out more about the amount of bread people eat - and what types...

Some amazing setting descriptions by Year 5 pupils, based on the opening chapter of Michael Morpurgo's 'Outlaw'...

Spring Term - Art Day Part 1. Year 5 children explored colour mixing and creating monotype prints - in part 2 of our journey, we will build on these skills to create printed zines.

Year 5 learned about primary and secondary colours and colour mixing.

One of our amazing Year 5 students displaying her trophies from Irish dancing competitions!

Today, we built solar systems for our science launch activity....

In our Theme launch, we looked at the story behind the creation of the Bayeux tapestry, then created a collaborative art piece, using scaling up techniques...

Poinsettia prints, details added using paint and glitter

Some winter DT! End of term fun... calendars and cards

Some wonderful extra homework - The National Anthem of Ivory Coast in French and translated into English!

In our Theme learning, we created Viking timelines, and evaluated what we could remember about our Viking topic by playing a team quiz against other groups in the class... very noisy but fun!

We had fun with our Christmas Maths in Year 5 today- we completed a quiz to see if we could identify 3D shapes from information about their faces, vertices and edges. We went on to construct 3D shapes using jelly sweets and cocktail sticks!

Here are some of our wonderful biscuit houses, made as part of our Autumn DT Project...

Our Art Day Projects based on the illustrations from 'The Wolf Wilder', by Katherine Rundell

Year 5 enjoyed the Christmas pantomime performed for the whole school - Jack and the Beanstalk!

Year 5 video - The Institute of Chemical Engineering

We have been exploring -able and -ible suffixes and categorising words...

Have a look at the link below to see more pictures of Year 5 working with IChemE and meeting MP, Mark Pawsey...

Last Friday, members of the Institution of Chemical Engineers came back to Year 5, this time to help us make model wind turbines!  First, we discussed different types of renewable energy, and learned why these forms of power are so important for the future.  We talked about why the demand for energy was growing, and we wondered how we might create and use electrical energy in the future.  We were also very lucky to meet our local MP, Mr Mark Pawsey!   Thank you very much to all the volunteers from I Chem E who came along to teach us today!

Making wind turbines and meeting our local MP, Mr Mark Pawsey!

Year 5 really enjoyed their Autumn dance session with Ricky Dance!

Autumn DT project part 1 - Y5 children have been busy exploring and investigating how they might make biscuit houses... we look forward to the final product!

Year 5 have been studying the work of the artists Grayson Perry, Louise Fili and Paula Scher.  We have focused on the typographical elements and have been thinking about the importance of line in our work.  We completed our Art journey by creating our own self portraits in the style of Grayson Perry's 'Map of Days' piece.  We hope you like them!

Year 5 Art work in the style of Grayson Perry's self portrait

Film Crew Visits Northlands!

Year 5 welcomed a film crew and representatives from the Institute of Chemical Engineering (I Chem E) today!  The children and the volunteers from I Chem E were creating a video to showcase how industry and education can work together to encourage young engineers and scientists.  The crew was at Northlands for the whole day, filming a video about the importance of creating links between schools and chemical engineering businesses. If you look carefully at the photos, you will notice the current president of the Institute of Chemical Engineering, wearing his chain of office!

Here are some pictures of Year 5, the IChemE volunteers and the film crew in action! Watch this space for the You Tube video link!

In Science, we have been investigating ... nappies! We have planned and carried out fair tests to identify which type of nappy was more absorbent.

This week, firefighters from Warwickshire Fire Service visited, to teach Year 5 all about fire safety, and how to make sure our homes our safe. We also learned about the dangers of hoax calls.

In Maths, we have explored Roman numerals. We investigated how we might represent numerals with Dienes apparatus, and then complete some calculations...

Year 5's Science this week involved an investigation linked to sugar! We tried to predict, then test factors that would make sugar dissolve more quickly. There were some excellent predictions from the class!

In Science, Year 5 have been studying the properties of different materials, including their ability to conduct heat and electricity. We also looked at properties such as flexibility and transparency.

Year 5's Stunning Start involved an investigation into .... Viking poo! They had a fascinating lesson, being forensic archaeologists and learning about what Vikings ate.

As part of our DT work, Year 5 have been learning about the structure of bridges. We have created our own prototype models to satisfy a set of criteria.

Year 5 have been exploring different types of architecture and approaches to house building, from tiny houses, which might be more environmentally sustainable, to fantasy creations by modern architects. Have a look at the structures we have created!

Sports Day - Northlands style! Year 5 had a fabulous time, and the weather was very kind!

Welcome to our Picture Gallery! This is Year 5's visit to the National Space Centre in Leicester - the children had a fantastic time, and learned so much more about space!

Year 5 revised their knowledge of 3D shapes, identifying faces, vertices and edges in different solids.

More extra homework! Some of the children collaborated to create a Tudor boat, cannon and cannon balls! The sail even includes a pulley system to raise or lower it - well done!

Growth Mindset Day... Year 5 enjoyed a workshop centred on the importance of doing their best- they also had fun with the giant brain and building blocks of growth mindset!

Ricky Dance returns to Northlands... Year 5 learned a dance involving a chair as a prop...

As part of our PSHE, Year 5 and Year 6 had a talk by local police officers about the dangers of knife crime. We also learned about the age of criminal responsibility, and the impact of getting a criminal record on our future lives.

As part of our work on Life Cycles, Year 5 have been exploring the life cycle of different flowering plants. As part of our lesson, we dissected a flower, to find the different reproductive parts.

Coronation Day - making our own crowns, cakes and inviting parents and carers in to join our celebrations... in spite of the weather!

Science- exploring gears and levers! We created our own gear chains and made mini mangonels (a type of siege weapon)- they were great fun to test!

Year 5 have been busy researching bread as part of their DT, and creating their own variations on the bread theme... some of us chose to make bread using savoury ingredients such as cheese or onion, while others chose sweet additions such as fruit, fruit flavourings and chocolate.  We couldn't wait to taste and evaluate our work!

DT our delicious home made bread recipes!

Final pieces- using warm and cool colours to create watercolour work

Art Skills: using warm colours for effect in watercolour work.

Year 5 World Book Day 2023!

Book Talk - Take 1. Talking about our favourite books...

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Book Talk - Take 2. Talking about our favourite books...

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Book Talk - Take 3. Talking about our favourite books...

Still image for this video

Our Year 5 class poem - The Ballad of Robin Hood!

Performance poet, Dreadlock Alien visited us again... we worked together to create an amazing class poem for the Showcase Assembly!

As part of our celebration of reading, we shared books and read with Year 3!

We had a fantastic time doing our Book Hunt for World Book Day!

DT - Year 5 had a bread-tasting session so that they could evaluate different flavours and textures of bread, in readiness for making their own bread recipes later this term!

In Science, Year 5 have been creating fair tests to find out about how Moon Craters are made!

In Year 5, we have been analysing some of Jesus’ sayings from the Bible; we collaborated to create a short presentation about what we thought some of the quotes actually meant, then considered why these teachings could be challenging or difficult to follow in our modern world.  Finally, we thought about the impact on the world if everyone did follow these ideas.

Our RE investigation about Jesus' teachings

Year 5 have really enjoyed starting to read  'Outlaw' by Michael Morpurgo.  The structure of the story has been really interesting!  We have predicted that the story will be told as a flashback, and we have lots of ideas about how the characters in the different timelines might be linked!  We have used the first chapter to inspire us to write a setting description about a storm.  We have developed our 'show not tell' and other descriptive techniques, and we have also explored the effect of shorter, choppy sentences and other devices to build tension in our work!

Setting description using 'show not tell' techniques and descriptive language.

Colour Mixing - exploring how to create and manipulate secondary colours by mixing together primary colours

Please have a look at some of our lovely print and colour-wash creations!

To introduce our new Theme linked to the Normans, Year 5 have explored some of the images on the Bayeux Tapestry.  We linked this to our Art project, which is on monotype prints, and we have created some fantastic print blocks representing the invading Norman fleet...



Creating colour-wash backgrounds and print blocks of Norman ships...

Matching fractions in maths...

Exploring the properties of 3D shapes - we created models using toothpicks and Midget Gems!

Year 5 have been inspired by Space!  We learned about the different planets in our Solar system, and the order in which they are positioned, moving outward from the Sun.  We have created Pocket Solar Systems and these beautiful dioramas!  

Our mini solar systems - they look very colourful!

Some more of Year 5's amazing homework about learning which has inspired them!

Year 5 have been applying their knowledge of area by playing this tricky strategy game!

Year 5 have been working on line and tone to produce these amazing pieces!

Year 5 have been working hard on their Theme learning.  They have been investigating aspects of Viking life, and presenting their findings to other groups in the class.   They then went on to produce these amazing information fact files!

We wrote up our investigations into Viking life in the form of information reports...

We worked hard in our groups to become 'experts' in an area of Viking life. We presented our findings to the class, who took notes!

Today, Year 5 really enjoyed their session with the amazing Ricky Dance!  Well done everyone! 

Year 5 have been developing their coding skills.  Today's challenge was to create a simple football game, including 'real world' problems such as friction on different surfaces.  The children also began to explore using functions in place of typing repeated blocks of code, so that they could work more efficiently!

Year 5 have been using their coding skills to create a simple football game!

An example of debugging!

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Today, Year 5 welcomed Tom and Alex, two members of the Warwickshire Fire Service.  They came to talk to us about fire safety, and to explain how we can help keep our homes safe, by talking to our parents and carers and completing a home fire safety survey.

For our DT project this term, Year 5 have been busy making Biscuit Houses!  We created and then planned our designs, budgeting and planning out the number of biscuits we would need.  We knew we had to build structures which were stable, and then we had to decorate them- we had great fun, as you can tell! 

Week three of our saturated salt solution... what changes can you notice?

In Year 5 this week, we have explored reversible and irreversible changes. We observed the effect of combining vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, and  noticed that the balloon filled with a new gas which we created (carbon dioxide).  We also explored the effect of mixing milk and vinegar to produce casein.  We could see the solid being formed as the two liquids were combined.

Combining vinegar and milk, and mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar...

Some examples of amazing extra homework by Year 5 pupils, inspired by our English, Science and Theme...

Week 2 of our evaporating salt experiment; see how the salt crystals are forming on the string as the water evaporates...

In Year 5, we have been studying different retellings of the story of Beowulf and Grendel.  This week, we have focussed on creating character descriptions of the monster, Grendel, using figurative and descriptive language; we hope you enjoy them!

Year 5 character descriptions ...

Year 5 have explored different ways to separate different materials which were combined as suspensions, solutions and mixtures. We worked practically to use sieving, filtering and the power of magnets!

We explored different ways to separate materials...

Year 5 conducted an enquiry to find out what Christians think about God.  We chose to record our ideas as poems or as information paragraphs.

RE enquiry - what do Christians believe about God?

In our Science this week, Year 5 explored different materials that did (or did not) dissolve.  We used this experiment to inform our ideas about creating our own fair test experiment linked to finding out about how quickly sugar dissolves.  Some groups compared how quickly different types of sugar dissolve under the same conditions, while other groups tested whether warm or cold water dissolved sugar more quickly.  Please have a look at our explorations!

Planning and carrying out our own fair test investigations...

Exploring Roman numerals.

Year 5 have been busy testing the properties of different materials! As part of our Science, we investigated to find out about properties such as thermal and electrical conductivity, magnetism and flexibility or rigidity of materials.  We made a fascinating discovery about the property of the 5 pence coins we were using too; some were magnetic, but others were not.  This led us to explore the age of the coins that we were using, and we hypothesised that older coins must contain different materials as they were not magnetic!

Testing properties of different materials in Science

To begin their Viking Invaders topic, Year 5 was transformed into an archaeological laboratory! We learned that archaeology uses evidence and artefacts to draw conclusions.  In this case we learned about a very particular artefact that has revealed a great deal about Viking life and dietary habits!  Have a look at the images below to find out more...

The archaeology of poo...!

Year 5's summer Design Technology Challenge has been to build a bridge to meet particular design criteria.  We have explored different types of beam, pillar and truss and we have analysed the advantages and disadvantages of different types of bridge design.  We then had a limited amount of time to create a scale model of a bridge; it had to be 30cm (or more) long, at least 10cm high, and had to be able to support a mass of 600 grams... Have a look at our designs! 

Bridge building...

As part of our geography work linked to the Thames and river courses, Year 5 have made models of the journey of  a river.  We have included geographical features such as meanders, tributaries and confluences.  We modelled using cardboard, newspaper and tissue paper - we were very proud of the results!

Making models of river courses...

To complete their work on Forces, Year 5 have been exploring some simple machines.  We have focussed on pulleys, levers and gears; we observed some simple machines around us, such as the roller blind and we made see-saw levers from pencils to test the effect of moving the fulcrum.  We explored how combinations of gears change the direction of movement, then made our own combinations of geared systems.


Investigating and making levers and gears...

As part of our Tudors topic, Year 5 have made close observations of still life images of food from Tudor times.  We used viewfinder techniques to focus on a specific food item and then worked collaboratively to recreate Tudor foods using newspaper, modroc, paint and other collage materials.  We hope you enjoy them! 

Year 5 and 6 worked with glass artist, Melissa, to create commemorative tiles for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee...

Year 5 have been learning about da Vinci's Vitruvian man and exploring body proportions...

Ricky Dance visited Northlands this week and helped Year 5 create this dance routine ...

This week, Year 5 have been busy investigating the effect of friction on different surfaces.  They explored how much force was necessary to move a mass over different materials such as carpet, the table top and a foil-covered book.   We also repeated our tests in order to gain an average reading - and therefore a more accurate measure of the force!

Investigating the effect of friction....

As part of our Forces topic, Year 5 investigated the effects of air resistance and water resistance through practical investigations and fair testing; we have had a lot of fun exploring these forces!

Year 5 investigate the effect of water resistance...

Our whole class fair test investigation into air resistance...

This week, Year 5 started their new Science topic on Forces. We created a definition for Forces, and explored how gravity exerts a 'pull' on different objects in the classroom.  We also thought about how the terms 'mass' and 'weight' are similar but different...

Using force-meters to explore the effect of gravity on different objects...

Year 5 used collage and cross hatching techniques to create these 'flat but sculptural' pieces based on our Normans topic.  We selected images from the Bayeux Tapestry, one of the most famous and important pieces of artwork from this period. 

Some amazing pieces of homework this term - posters about our Science topic - Space, and some of our spelling words!

Last week, Year 5 went to the National Space Centre in Leicester, to complete our Science topic on space.  We had an amazing time!  There was so much to see in the different galleries - we learned more about our solar system, the universe and we had the opportunity to visit the 3D Patrick Moore Planetarium, which was incredible! 


Have a look at some of our photos to see the exciting activities we were able to try ! 

The National Space Centre

Year 5 have been busy making bread as part of their most recent Design Technology project!  We spent time finding out what types of bread other pupils enjoy eating, and then we tasted some different types of bread which originated in different parts of the world.  We then moved on to making our own... and finally, the best part - tasting it!  


We did surveys to find out children's bread preferences, did our own food tasting and finally we made our own, individual recipes!

World Book Day in Year 5!

Today, Mr Dreadlock Alien, AKA Mr Grant visited us at Northlands!  Mr Grant worked with each class to help them write and perform their own poetry... we even had a mini poetry slam in school!  Here is how we created our Year 5 poem... from page to stage!

Performing our own performance poem!

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Working with Mr Dreadlock Alien, we looked at different ways to perform our class poem, thinking about how to use our voices in different ways and using actions, expression and eye contact.

Writing our own class performance poem about Robin Hood and his gang...

Year 5 Children recommend some of their favourite books...

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Year 5 learned about the Spanish artist, Joan Miro.  We discussed some of the features of his paintings - bright, vivid colours, simple forms and the inclusion of words.


We explored some of his more abstract work, and realized there are often some stylized images within them.

Year 5 welcomed firefighters from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service into Northlands this week.  They came to talk to us about the dangers of fire, and gave us some vital information about keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe.  We had a really interesting and useful morning - thank you for the important messages we learned!


Year 5 have been exploring area in rectangles using this game...

Just for fun...!  To finish off our work on the Vikings and Saxons, Year 5 learned this song, called 'Viking Rock.'  We thought about the instruments which often feature in rock music, such as guitars, drums and vocals with 'attitude'!  We also thought about how the lyrics linked to our learning about Vikings...despite the image on our blog, there is no archaeological evidence that Vikings wore horned helmets!

Viking Rock audio file - there are no images to show.

Still image for this video

Year 5 have been exploring and constructing 3D shapes using jelly sweets and cocktail sticks.  We used our shapes to identify the properties of our shapes, such as the number of faces, vertices and edges...

As part of their RE curriculum, Year 5 have been studying some connections to Jesus and his teachings; they have been thinking how these teachings link to the lives of Christians today.

Year 5's latest Art project has been to use the shape and form of Viking longhouses for their own sculptural pieces.  The children have worked collaboratively, using natural and found materials to create their own versions of Viking dwellings.  They explored the possibilities suggested by the available materials and adapted their ideas over time, adding their own imaginative twist.    Each pair was asked to suggest a key word or phrase which summed up their sculpture.   

Our sculptural pieces inspired by Viking longhouses

Year Five are just about to start a new Science topic on Space! Today, we found out a little about the planets in our solar system, and then we went on to create our 3D representations, or dioramas.  We had to decide which size of polystyrene ball best represented each planet, and then we used Internet images to help us choose the correct colours.  We hope you like them!

Our representations of the solar system!

Year 5 have been practising their skills in choral speaking.  We have been learning the poem, The Crocodile by Roald Dahl.  We have been working on our intonation and expression, and our ability to keep time with one another. We also created our own set of actions to accompany our poem!

The Crocodile, by Roald Dahl

This is an audio file. There are no images to show.

Still image for this video
Year 5 have been learning to recite the poem called The Crocodile, by Roald Dahl. We have been thinking about our intonation and expression, and we have been learning to speak in time as a group. We hope you like our performance!

Year 5 enjoyed a visit from Tim, who helped us learn about the festival of Diwali, using music and movement.  We told the story of Rama and Sita through dance, and we all had an amazing time!


Thank you, Tim!

Year 5 told the story of Rama and Sita through movement and dance...

Year 5 have been hard at work exploring the Christmas tradition of making edible houses.  We created our initial designs, and thought about how we might make our own houses.  We then created scale plans of our houses, using measured rectangles to represent the choice of biscuit.  Finally, we constructed our houses, and then took them home to taste test!  Tomorrow we will evaluate our designs, and the changes we made to our original ideas! 

Year 5's Biscuit House DT project...

Year 5 were lucky enough today to have a session with one of our favourite visitors to Northlands - Ricky Dance!  Ricky spent a session teaching children some amazing dance moves, which we performed in front of Mr Davoile and Miss Isaac.  It was fantastic fun! 

Stills from our Ricky Dance session today...

For Maths Week, Year 5 have been creating line graphs based on 'Less Than Zero', a story by Stuart Murphy.  We thought about how a line graph tells a 'story'.  This particular story taught us to consider what negative numbers look like on a line graph.    


We then went on to write comic strips based on the ideas in 'Less Than Zero'.  We hope you enjoy them!

Stuart J. Murphy Reads "Less Than Zero"

Stuart J. Murphy Reads "Less Than Zero," a MathStart ( story that teaches the important mathematical skill of negative numbers. Perry ...

We created line graph 'stories' to reflect the events in 'Less Than Zero' to show what happens when you earn money or owe it. Some children began to adapt and change the story events.

We created our own cartoon strip stories in the style of 'Less Than Zero', thinking about earning and spending money...

Year 5 have been showing off their creativity in our Friday Free -Time Activity!  Some of us chose to make Viking and Saxon-style jewellery, based on what we have found out in our Theme lessons!  We had some glorious but messy fun designing these creations!

Viking Brooch Artwork...

In Science, Year 5 have been exploring different ways to separate materials... We have looked at how evaporating, sieving, filtering and magnets can be used to separate materials combined in different ways.  We have thought about solutions (salt and water), mixtures (rice and paper-clips and flour and lentils) and suspensions of sand and water, where the sand does not dissolve.  Have a look at us exploring these processes!

Our salt water evaporation experiment three weeks on - we have grown some amazing salt crystals! The salt water has been absorbed by the string and the pencil. The water has evaporated, leaving the salt.

Some of our experiments involving filtering, sieving and using magnets to separate materials.

Part of Year 5's home learning this week was to read about the Notting Hill Carnival, as part of our work for Black History Month.  The children were then tasked with designing their own Carnival costumes - have a look at our amazing ideas!   

Some of our amazing homework designs...

Year 5 have been studying the art work of Carolyn Mims Lawrence as part of Black History Month.  We have been looking at the painting entitled 'Black Children Keep Your Spirits Free' (1972).  We looked closely at the painting and discussed what it meant to us.  We looked at the use of contrast and colour, then interpreted a section of the painting for ourselves.  We used water-colour as a basis, and fine-liner pens and/or colour crayon for additional details.  We hope you enjoy this sample of our work!



Our images in the style of Carolyn Mims Lawrence

Year 5 have been reading about Beowulf the Dragon Slayer and as part of our Art Curriculum, we have created super-sized Viking style rings, using ideas from our reading to help us... see if you can notice our 'dragon eyes' within the jewels on the rings!   We have worked over several days, to research styles and types of  Viking jewellery, create our own Viking-inspired ideas, before working collaboratively on larger pieces, using modroc, cardboard and acrylic paints.   We hope you enjoy our work! 


The final product! Our Viking super-size ring sculptures are ready to display...

Painting our super-size Viking rings using metallic acrylic paints

We have been making Viking supersize rings with modroc. Some pupils chose to use clay instead...

Using modroc to model our designs... this was messy!

Our Viking mega-ring design ideas...

Year 5 have been investigating the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child.  We have been thinking about what it means to be a citizen of a country.  We thought about the rights children might expect to have, but also what responsibilities this brings with it.

Year 5 PSHE work on rights and responsibilities based on the UN Rights of Children

Year 5 collages - We read and discussed the book, 'Giraffes Can't Dance' and thought about the messages it contains about tolerance and perseverance. Taking inspiration from some of the pictures in the book, we used water-colours to create a colourwash background, then we drew our own versions of Gerald the giraffe learning to dance.