
Subject leader: Mrs Hunt



Writing is a life skill that all children must master before they leave primary school. We feel passionately that the ability to write is critical to a child's success, so we put a great deal of effort into ensuring that children are able to do it well. We intend to ensure that children secure secretarial skills such as spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar, but also develop as strong, confident writers, who enjoy writing, and can produce quality pieces in a range of genres, including poetry, stories and information texts. Writing is also key to success in our broader curriculum; it is one of the main methods children use demonstrate their learning.  It is intended that writing skills be practised and developed within lessons in different subject areas.  



In English lessons, writing is taught through our Book-Led Curriculum.  The emphasis on reading is key, as it is a precursor to writing. Pupils have daily English lessons, following a carefully planned Learning Journey, which ultimately leads to a specific writing outcome; we work hard to ensure that children are able to write with growing confidence and understanding, using a range of genres. Within the learning journey, pupils may be taught how to gather and select vocabulary for effect, how to use features typical of a particular genre, such as personification in description (higher up the school), or adjectives (lower down the school).  They learn how to plan, edit and reflect on their writing, in order to ensure good quality outcomes. 



Our pupils produce fantastic writing outcomes, and are justifiably proud of their work!  Indeed, they love to showcase their writing in our half-termly writing assemblies, and Year 2 are always overjoyed when they earn their pen licences for amazing writing! We are confident that writers get off to a good start in Year R, often being able to write multiple sentences unaided by the end of the year and this progress continues to develop at a good pace through to Year 6. We moderate pupils' writing internally and within a Soft Federation of local schools to quality assure our pupils' writing outcomes and to help us monitor and evaluate our own standards and expectations.    





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Reading and Writing Assembly Spring 2 2024

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