Year 6

Year 6 Leavers Prom 2024

Viney Hill Day 3

More activities - Bushcraft and a stunning night walk

Viney Hill, Day 2- Group 1's activities

Viney Hill- The most important challenge of the day

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Day 2 at Viney Hill- Group 2's activities for the day

Quick Jump

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Mrs Tariq and her group tried the quick jump on day 1. Ava was the first to have a go!

Year 6 Residential at Viney Hill- Day 1

The penultimate week of school- yet so busy for our Year 6s. Play Performance, artwork inspired by surrealism and poetry based on Shaun Tan's book "The Arrival."

Year 6s Shine bright in their End-of-Year production- "We're All Going on a Summer Holiday."

Art- Year 6 explore the work of artist "Yinka Ilori" and consider his key messages expressed through his art.

DT- Year 6 make their own "Eton Mess."

Victorian Decoupage.....more to come....

More Digital Art- The children were using their skills to manipulate images.

Digital Art- Year 6 used AI generator to create an image using 5 key words: Wealth, Winter, Galaxy, Modern and Love. They then experimented using Paint 3D to create their own digital art, using the AI image for inspiration.

As part of our topic, Year 6 researched corporal punishment in schools during the Victorian Era and the arguments in favour and against using it. In English they wrote "balanced" arguments and created posters to display both sides.

A Chronology of the Victorian Period

Summer Term Stunning Start- Making Victorian Peg Dolls.

Year 6 have done an excellent job designing and making shelters for their DT project. We have some future architects in this class!

Year 6 have been exploring a new text in English. They have enjoyed familiarising themselves with the story by creating exam style questions for their learning partners to answer about the text.

Year 6 have created stunning self-portaits inspired by artist "Michael Barret." They have used techniques such as layering, printing and a variety of media to assemble their masterpieces!

Year 6 have done a fantastic job of creating Newspaper Reports, detailing the events that took place in the "Highwayman."

Art Skills- experimenting with warm and cool colours

Our Character Focus for this half term is "Organisation". Year 6 have used their understanding of organisation to prepare and participate in a very interesting debate!

The Highwayman- Year 6 have been studying the poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. They have retold the story through drama, explored the language devices used for effect and written a monologue in the point of view of one of the characters.

DT Week 1- Reinforcing structures and testing materials for shelters.

Writing Assembly Nominee- Alfie

Meet Our UKS2 Cross Country Team

Art Day- Portrait Club

Going Green this Christmas

Our Writing Celebration Assembly Nominee- Alex

DT Sewing Project- Completed Funky Furnishings

Anime Artwork

Diwali Drama Workshop

DT- Investigating sewing techniques

Theme- Half term quiz!

Art Day

Performance Poetry

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Check out our performances of 'Swing Low' - a poem about slavery linked to our theme unit of America.

Poem - Harriet Tubman, by Treasure

PSHE - Class Charter

Identifying Different Types of Poetry Challenge!

Writing Award!

Science- Circuits

Stunning Start- Native American Artwork.

Day 3 Group 1 - Tunnels!

Viney Hill- Day 3- Group 3

Viney Hill- Day 1- Group 2

Viney Hill- Arriving, making beds and night walk

Viney Hill- Day 1- Group 3

Transition Day - Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower Challenge. Some future architects in the making...

Victorian Silhouettes

Sports Day 2023!

Computing - Using Spreadsheets

Pizza in the park!

Mini Sculpture Challenge!

Summer Term Stunning Start- Victorian Peg Dolls

Victory in Europe!

Science Week- Heart Workshop

DT Structures

Science- report and present findings using scientific language

Year 6 Art- Posing for Portraits.

Rugby School Visit- Stephen Lawrence, Anti-racism Workshop

Oral Rehearsal In Flanders Field

Oral Rehearsal In Flanders Field

Oral Rehearsal In Flanders Field

Oral Rehearsal In Flanders Field

Oral Rehearsal In Flanders Field

Stunning Start- Anderson Shelters

Hello Year 6,

First of all: many thanks for the letters you sent this week. They are incredibly well written and, more importantly, highly persuasive! I think the idea of supporting a charity is phenomenally altruistic and therefore something I would be more than happy to support you with. Reading about the human trafficking and child labour was very thought provoking and made me feel a great deal of sympathy for the victims.

I suggest the following:

I provide the class with a small budget (myself and Miss Isaac will determine this) and you can use this to create something which you can sell and earn profit on in an afterschool table top sale. I would suggest we than donate the money to an anti-slavery charity. There will be lots of creative tasks e.g. creating posters of advertisement, designing the product and keeping an eye on the financial side of things.

Since you all worked so hard, I have included a little reply to each of your letters below. If I have missed anyone I apologise but these are all the letters I have received.

Kind regards,

Mr Davoile

Headteacher of Northlands Primary School

One communityMany cultures – Achieving together

Writing to persuade Mr Davoile!

Art- Redesigning Packaging, The Finished Art Pieces.

Art- Redesigning packaging.

DT- Sewing Skills

Science- Is playdough a conductor of electricity?

Art- Designing Packaging

Maths- Place Value

Stunning Start- Native American Art

Viney Hill-Day Three

Viney Hill- Water Fight!!!

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Viney Hill- Water Fight!!!!!!

Viney Hill-Day Two

Viney Hill-Day Two

Viney Hill-Day Two

Viney Hill-Night Walk

Viney Hill-Day One

Viney Hill- Day One

Viney Hill- Day One

Science- Evolution. How have animals adapted to their environments?

Design Technology- Great British Dishes

VE Day!


History- Understanding The Events of WW2!

Favourite Books

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As part of WBD, year 6 discussed their favourite books and the reasons why.

World Book Day/Week

Clay portraits using skills learnt in sketching!

Cross Country

Science- Heart Dissection- Hands On Science

Rose Blanche- Published section of diary entry

Science Experiment- Heart Rate

Science- Carrying out our own planned investigations

Diwali Dance Workshop

Film Night

Ricky Dance!

Building Circuits

The Grand Opening: Our New Bank

Set Design- Art

Black History Month Art

Finding factors and multiples in maths!