Our school expectations with regards to school uniform are as follows and listed in the policy attached:
• Black or grey trousers, short, skirt or pinafore. In the summer blue and white checked cotton dresses. (NO playsuits)
• Navy Blue V neck sweatshirt with the school logo purchased from Yourschooluniform.com
• White polo shirts for Reception Class only, NO tie required
• White shirt or blouse (long or short sleeved) NO polo shirts for Years 1-6
• Socks – white, Grey or black, Black or Grey tights
• Sensible black shoes, NO trainers or boots
• Ties – Years 1-6 clip on tie
To purchase a school jumper and tie, please visit: Webb Ellis Rugby, 5-6 St Matthews Street, Rugby, contact them on 01788 567777 or visit https://www.webb-ellis.co.uk as this is the only shop to purchase these items from. All other items can be purchased from any retailer.