Pupil leadership
Head and Deputies:
The Head Boy and Girl of the school are the ultimate role models for all other pupils in the school. Duties of the Head Boy and Girl will consist of representing the school and public relations. They will welcome visitors to the school and act as ambassadors for the school. Look out for their column on the school news letters.
Head Girl: Chika
Head Boy: Fode
Deputy Head Girl: Sinead
Deputy Head Boy: Leo
Our child leadership team is supported by our school prefects who are:
Owen | Cassidy |
School councillors:
Our school councillors are the voice of the class. They listen to the class and have a direct access route to the school's senior leadership team via regular meetings.
All councillors are fairly elected by the rest of the class and following a short speech on why they would represent the class well. We try to relate this to real elections and the idea that we are a democratic country and therefore we have democratic processes in school.
Our current line up is as follows:
Year 1: TBC
Year 2: TBC
Year 3: TBC
Year 4: TBC
Year 5: TBC
Year 6: TBC
Tidy team:
Foreman | Damien |
Outside | Rotation |
Library team:
Wellbeing champions:
School Council Pupil Voice Safeguarding - You Said, We Did
School Council Pupil Voice
Wednesday 8th March
School Council Meeting
Today, we met with the school nurses to discuss our healthy eating topic! We discussed the assembly we had, shared our work and talked about exercise and good sleep habits!
We will see the nurses and Youth Health Champions again in the summer term to discuss hydration and sun safety!
School Council January - March 2023
As part of school council, we have been working closely with the Youth Health Champions. Last term you may recall us having a focus on handwashing; this term the topic is healthy eating. This feeds directly into each classes PSHE/Science lessons and a lesson with a focus on this will be taught to your child this half term. We are also lucky enough to have a visit from The Youth Health Champions on Monday 6th February to do an assembly in the hall for every year group on healthy eating!
Please see the helpful links below to help your child understand these issues further;
We have had an assembly about healthy eating and exercise which was delivered by Change Makers at Rugby Borough Council. This supports our lessons in class! Please find access to this below;
School Councillors will be meeting with The Youth Health Champions in school on Wednesday 8th March!
Thank you for your support with this,
Mrs Whiteside
School Council
Autumn Term 2022
This term, School Council have been working with our school nurses team. We learnt all about the importance of handwashing and why, especially during these months, it is important that we wash our hands regularly and correctly.
We did an assembly in front of the whole school to educate the other children about what we had learnt and then asked for all classes to complete a competition.
We all had to design a handwashing poster and the selected winners would have theirs laminated and placed in all areas around the school where handwashing would be promoted.
Winners will be announced this Friday during assembly!
School Council Meeting 1
Autumn Term
During the last few weeks of our academic year, School Council have had a focus on pupil voice. We were interested to find out what the children thought about various topics surrounding school and how we could improve these for the future; School behaviour, teaching, the summer fair and things that have gone well. After deep discussions with each class, here is what we thought!
'We have fun lessons!'
'We feel safe to talk'
'My teachers are kind'
'We know what happens if we don’t do the right thing'
'Our learning is good'
‘My teacher is brilliant’
School behaviour
'Behaviour has improved since last year'
'There are still too many people are hands on'
Things that have gone well this year;
'The MUGA is our favourite'
'We love Rock Steady and sharing music with our friends'
'Young Voices was amazing'
'Calm corridors is a good idea'
'School trips!'
'Football trips'
'Rock UK'
'Archery club is great'
'We love Ricky Dance'
'Perfect attendance'
'We enjoyed after school clubs more than last year, more variety'
'Would like a few more like tennis, basketball, gymnastics, tag rugby, football'
'Some clubs have an age limit and should be for all'
Summer fair;
'This years summer fair was much great!'
‘Loved it!’
'We won cool raffle prizes'
‘I loved the ice cream!’
'We would like a Christmas and Easter fair!'
'We loved playing sponge the teacher!'
SCHOOL COUNCIL - Hopes for next year!
During the last few weeks of school, before we break up for the holidays, the school councillors have asked their classes what their hopes are for the new academic year. Here is what they said;
- Improve the playground
- Make friends with new children
- Learn more PSHE
- Better at keeping our classroom tidy
- Get better at our handwriting
- Go on more school trips
- Get to write in a pen!
- Try our best all year
- Never give up
- Follow the rules
- Lots of reading enrichment
- New activities
- Learning about China and doing lots of History
- Science experiments