Year 3

Summer Art Day: The children very much enjoyed sculpting and painting chickens out of 'Mod Rock'. This was inspired by the poem 'The Chicken and the Hula Hoop' by Emily Voigt. They used their experience of Inbal Leitner's My Tiger Sketch book and Quentin Blake's illustrations to help.

03.07.2024 DT: The Year 3 pupils really enjoyed designing and making a package for a product of their own choice. They were asked to think about what information the package would need, who the product was aimed at and what graphics and fonts to use.

18.06.2024: Thank you once again to The Friends of Northlands for kindly donating funds for the children to experience a climbing wall and to practise some circus skills. Thank you from everyone in Year 3 and the whole school. It was amazing!

06.06.2024: The Year 3 students very much enjoyed the Maya day and wanted to thank The Friends of Northlands for their kind donation. They had a fabulous time learning about the Maya number system, wearing Maya costumes, examining artefacts, using VR headsets to explore Maya sites and much, much more.

21.05.2024 Ricky Dance: Oliver. The children in Year 3 had a fantastic time learning to dance to the musical Oliver. They were all amazing!

Art Day: The Year 3 pupils enjoyed striking poses, inspired by the work Quentin Blake and Inbal Leitner using continuous line drawings.

09.05.2024 & 16.05.2024 Year 3 enjoyed investigating what would happen to the size of a shadow if the light source (torch) was moved further away from an opaque object.

The Year 3 children enjoyed an introduction to their new Topic: Maya. They thought that the Maya hot chocolate was delicious!

Year 3 DT 18/19.03.2024: The children tested various materials to make prototype kites, one of China's great inventions. Following the testing they decided to make their own kites from tissue paper.

Year 3 Art Day 15.03.2024: The children really enjoyed adding texture and detail to their paintings on fabric using sewing techniques.

Y3 Enjoying the company of Y5 pupils sharing story books

04.03.2024 The Year 3 children enjoyed a boom hunt this afternoon as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

Science 01.02.2024: The children enjoyed trying to work out how much water a plant needs to grow.

16.01.2024 Year 3 Visit to Compton Verney.

06.11.2023: The Year 3 children loved learning a dance routine this morning. Thank you to Ricky Dance.

The children took part in a Diwali workshop this morning where they learnt the story of Lord Krishna defeating Narakasura.

The Northlands Year 3 class had an amazing time at the Tag Rugby Festival at St Andrew's Rugby Club, organised by the Harris C of E Academy School Sport Partnership. All at Northlands would like to say a huge thank you for coordinating a wonderful event.

Year 3 Science: Is our arm span the same as our height?

Fluency Friday, Active Maths, children working on number bonds to 20 and timestables.

DT has been very inventive this week as the children explore Chinese inventions such as paper, the compass and the water clock.

Year 3 explored a 'garden' in the classroom. The children studied images of flowers to identify the parts of a flower. 

Exploring the garden!

Year 3 children have embraced their theme on China and have completed some very interesting research which they have shared with the class.

3D Shapes - in Maths we have made 3D shapes using cocktail sticks for the edges and midget gems for the vertices.

After exploring different materials and making prototypes, we finished our DT project by designing and making our own kites!

Science, looking for signs of spring. in our local area.


Working Scientifically

Happy Christmas from Year 3

Practical Maths - Our New Learning, Finding Perimeters

We had a great time learning funky dance moves with Ricky Dance

Exploring How to Make Free Standing Structures in DT

Number Week - exploring different arrays that make 100 and using a variety of manipulatives.


Mummifying a Tomato

Year 3 TAG Rugby




Year 3 had a great morning at St Andrew's Rugby

Club, taking part in an inter schools tag rugby
