In November 2019 Northlands was judged to be a good school by OFSTED. 

To find out more about our strength and areas for development please visit the link below where you will find the full OFSTED report. 



November 2019 OFSTED area for development Actions taken by the school to address these 
"In some subjects, such as design and technology and music, the order of learning is not so well planned."
  • Music and Design Technology are now planned, ordered and delivered to a very high standard demonstrating excellence and specifically when compared to where the subject was during the 2019 inspection. In-house Deep Dives continue to demonstrate clear progression of skills and outcomes for pupils show that their learning builds upon previously acquired knowledge and skills. The use of long term memory techniques (sentences stem, contextualising lessons at the start, assemblies reflecting on previous learning) have allowed pupils to build up sufficient knowledge to talk about different subject with impressive amounts of knowledge. Frequent learning walks have provided tangible evidence of progression and that children are building upon previously learnt skills. 
"Governors should further develop their understanding of the whole curriculum."

Governors are now monitoring foundation subjects succinctly and specifically through the SDP under the Quality of Education. Additionally, all FGB meetings include a review of foundation subjects as well as discussion about current rag ratings for these. In most cases, this has involved presentations by subject leaders. Governors are clearer about their roles and how to hold the school to account in foundation subjects. Governors have been involved in the embellishment of subjects e.g. making links with chemical company IChemE for science.